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The Leeds Pals
The 15th (Service) Battalion West Yorkshire Regiment
The Soldiers
This page will take you to individual profile pages of some of the soldiers who served with the ‘Pals’. Contained therein, some of the pages detail actual accounts of the
conditions they endured. Some written by the men themselves in letters home to their families.
The Leeds Pals Memorial web site is continually being updated with newly researched profiles. Many of the soldiers listed would not have been included had it not been for the help of you the public. For that – we thank you.
However, we can never receive enough information and so if you have any further knowledge or information relating to either the men listed here or indeed any new information that you would like to see included, please contact us.
The Profiles
Click on the Soldier’s name below to view profile
Armitage,W.A (Private/Lieutenant) | |
Arnold, TR (L. Corporal) | Example: 15/1262 Pte.Herbert BradbourneBorn Leeds 1898. Joined Leeds Pals June 1915 Age 17.(Underage)Herbert trained as a machine gunner with the 19th (Reserve) Battalion. He was sent then to France during April 1916. He survived the battle of the Somme and in August 1916, was posted to the newly formed Machine Gun Corps. During the early months of 1918, was seriously wounded by a bullet in the neck……More |
Astle, W.(Corporal) | |
Axe, AC. (Private) | |
Bennett, J.(Corporal/Lieutenant) | |
Beaumont, T. (Private) | |
Blease, RMS. (Captain) | |
Booth, MW. (2nd Lieutenant) | |
Bradbourne, H. (Private) | |
Brook, JG. (Private) | |
Burniston, H. (Private) | |
Burnley, H. (Lance Corporal) | |
Cathrick H.R. (L/Cpl) | |
Cheesborough, H. (Pte/2nd Lieutenant) | |
Clark J. (L/Cpl) (under construction) | |
Clayton, GE. (Private) (MM) | |
Clayton F. (Sgt) | |
Colcroft, GW. (Private) | |
Coles, W.D (Major/Lt Colonel) | |
Cooper, HA. (Pte/2nd Lieutenant) (MC – MID) | |
Davis, WC. (Private) | |
Depledge, EKM. (Capt & Adjutant) | |
Dimery, GW. (Pte/2nd Lieutenant) | |
Dewhurst C. (Major) | |
Dobson, A.S. (Private) | |
Dolphin, A. (Private) | |
Doughty, JC. (Private) | |
Earnshaw, J (Private) | |
Easy G.F.(Sgt). | |
Eddison, J (Private) | |
Elliott, J. (Sergeant) | |
Eschle, A.B.(Private) (M.M) | |
Everitt, JP. (Lieutenant) | |
Back To Top |
Fairburn-Hart, GS. (Corporal)
Fillingham, AE. (Private)
Flanagan, JA. (Sergeant) (MSM)
Foizey, HE. (Pte/Lieutenant)
Foster, L. (Pte / 2/Lt.)
Frobisher, A. (Corporal)
Gibson, N. (Private) (Croix de Guerre)
Gibson, TG. (Capt/Major) (MID)
Gill, B. (Private/Sergeant)
Gill H. (CSM)
Gilliat, H. (Pte/Major) (MC)
Greaves, CG. (Private)
Gutteridge, A (Lance / Sgt)
Hall, JT. (Pte/2nd Lieutenant)
Hare, H.E. (Sergeant)
Harker, J.N. (Private)
Hartley J.C. Major / temporary Lieutenant Colonel)
Hill, JR. (Private)
Hitchen, SL. (Pte/2nd lieutenant)
Howard, LM (Lieutenant Colonel)
Humphries, T (2nd Lieutenant)
Ibbitson, J (Private)
Isles, H. (Private)
Jackson, A. (Corporal)
Jenkyns, E.C (Private/Warrant Officer)
Jones G.H. (Private)
Joy, Wilfred & Walter. (Privates)
Kerton, S. (Sgt/CQMS)
Kilner, R. (Corporal)
(Back To Top)
Laxton C.F. Pte/Lieutenant)
Laxton R.E. (Lcpl/2nd Ltieutenant)
Lewis, F.R. (Private)
Lintott, E. (Lieutenant)
Liversedge, A. (2nd Lieutenant)
Longley, E. (Private)
Lumb, W.D.(Private)
McNeil, WC. (Corporal)
Meeson, a. (Corporal)
Metcalfe, W. (Private)
Mortimer, GH (Private)
Neil, STA (Captain)
Neil R.B. Major/Lt Colonel.
Norton, G.P. (Captain / Lt Colonel) (DSO)
Nutt A.V.
Oland, V. (2nd Lt) (M.C).
Panter,S.H (Pte/Lt)
Park J.C (Pte/Captain M.C)
Park J.F.C (Pte/Lieutenant O.B.E)
Peel, C.F (Pte/Cpl)
Potts, RG. (Cpl/Lieutenant)
Raynor, RBH. (Lieutenant)
Redhead,R (Private)
Reed, B. (Private)
Rudkin, WL. (Private)
Sanders J. (Private)
Scawbord, T (Private)
Sewell, W. (Sergeant)
Sen, J. (Private)
Stewart, JCM. (2nd Lieutenant)
Stott, LR. (Pte/Capt & Adjutant)
Studley, C.C. (Pte/2nd Lieutenant)
Sutcliffe, F. (Private)
Swift, AW. (Private)
Tadman, AS. (Pte/Lieut & Adjutant)
Tapp, G.N. (2nd Lieutenant)
Taylor, W. (Sgt).
Thurlow, H. (Sergeant)
Tolson, RH. (2nd Lieutenant)
Turkington, JW. (Private)
Turner, HN. (Pte/Lieutenant)
Twiss, CCH. (Lieutenant Colonel)
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Example: 2nd Lieutenant Robert H. Tolson
Born 6th November 1894 in Kirkheaton, Huddersfield.
Killed In Action: 1st July 1916
Robert Huntriss Tolson, named after his Grandfather, a waistcoat Manufacturer, was one of 6 sons and daughters of Mr Whiteley and Mrs Jessy Tolson (nee Huntriss – died in 1904) of Oaklands, Dalton, Huddersfield. He was educated at Aysgarth, and King Williams School Isle of Man. When war broke out was living with his wife Zoe at 78 Holly Bank, Leeds, and working at Beckett’s Bank Leeds. He enlisted into the Public Schools battalion, as a Private. But because of his education was soon given a Commission into the Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry. In September 1915, he was transferred to the “Pals” whilst they were at Ripon. He immediately became commander of 2 Platoon, ‘A’ company where his Commanding Officer was Captain Phillip Horace Leyland Mellor…..More
Wild, W (Lieutenant/Corporal)
Ward, A (Private/Lieutenant)
Ward, A (Pte/2nd Lieutenant)
Watson, W. (Private)
West, V. (Sergeant)
Wheatley, H. (Private)
Whitaker, GC. (Captain)
Whitehead, JS. (Private)
Willey, TARRE. (2nd Lieutenant)
Wilson, CH. (Cpt/Qtrmaster/Major) (Sir)
Wilson, G.A. (Private)
Wintle,E.C. (Private)
Wood,R (Private)
Wright, F. (Private)
Youhill, HO. (Sergeant)
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Example: 2nd Lieutenant T.A.R.R.E Willey
Born 1897
Killed In Action July 1st 1916. Age 19
Thomas Arthur Raymond Robert Ellicott Willey was the eldest son of Mr Arthur Willey, a well known Leeds Solicitor, Alderman of the City of Leeds and prominent member of ……More